Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Thanks-giving. Literally. With discount codes and everything.

Thanks-giving. Literally. With discount codes and everything. Love You 810 by Humboldt Street Photography As an American, a small business owner, and someone who conducts a ton of business online, I couldnt not celebrate Thanksgiving, Small Business Saturday Cyber Monday. I love that theyre all bunched together in a 5-day bundle. So many ways to show you my gratitude, appreciation, and thanks, so I did just that, bundling up 3 extra special discounts to celebrate 3 extra special holidays*. Im only offering this to those on my newsletter list, with one email going out at 5a Eastern on Friday morning and the other going out at 7a Eastern on Monday (the discounts end at 11:59p Eastern on Monday). If youre not already, sign up for my newsletter (youll get a free 21-page, 7-exercise workbook immediately, too!) and keep your eyes on your Inbox. Youll also get some top secret info as to my 2012 plans. Thank you for signing up there. Thank you for being here. Thank you for letting me thank you. Its what Thanks-giving is all about. * OK, I know Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday aint holidays per se, but I dont know what else to call em. Sale-adays? Blech. Holidays it is!

Sunday, April 19, 2020

What Is A Cover Letter Resume?

What Is A Cover Letter Resume?What is a cover letter, resume? It is not simply a document with a resume attached to it, it is more than that. Most likely, you don't even know what it is and if you do, you have probably never thought about it.To put it simply, a cover letter resume is the first piece of the resume puzzle. At this point in the job hunt process, when most companies are still trying to figure out how they are going to find your ideal candidates, you have already been exposed to thousands of potential candidates and there is no guarantee that you are going to meet them all. Your job is to find that one candidate that has something that is special about them. And this first step is to use a cover letter as a way to let potential employers know that you have done your homework, that you have taken the time to get to know the candidates and to find the one who really fits your company's needs.But does it actually have to be a cover letter? In some cases, it does not need to be at all. You can use it as an opportunity to show yourself in an open and personal way that helps to build trust and rapport.Now that you understand the difference between a cover letter and a resume, you will be ready to choose the right format for both. One is obviously more formal than the other, but both have their strengths and weaknesses. Don't make the mistake of thinking one is better than the other.Although you might find a better first impression by sending the wrong style of letter, the bottom line is that a cover letter is essentially a one-sided letter that covers your qualifications, skills and experience while the resume only briefly touches on those things. For most employers, the overall package is much more important than the contents.So, what is the appropriate format for both? For one, you want to make sure that it is set up correctly with proper spacing and proper heading so that it appears professional without being too personal.Don't be afraid to use a cover letter as a supplement to your resume. It can help you stand out from the crowd. Employers would rather hire a great cover letter writer to help them find the right candidate than a mediocre resume writer that simply copied the resume into the file where he or she could go back and edit it later.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

One Big Job-Hunting Mistake to Avoid

One Big Job-Hunting Mistake to Avoid Searching for a job today can be pretty dispiriting. Take the process of submitting a resume via an online form: It can feel like putting a message in a bottle and throwing it into the sea. And even if you score an interview, you might never hear back. You’ll be left wondering what happenedâ€"what went wrong. This kind of rejection is a pretty isolating feeling, but the fact is you’re in the majority. New research from Future Workplace and HR tech company CareerArc finds that nearly six in 10 candidates have had a bad experience in their job search, and nearly two-thirds have been “ghosted” by a prospective employerâ€"meaning the only response you get back is silence. If this turns you off from reapplying with a company, you’re not alone; in fact, 80% of candidates are liable to write off a company that doesn’t let them know they didn’t get the job. Read next: What Your Resume Should Look Like in 2016 That might seem like a justifiable response, but it’s a big mistake. Job seekers are shooting themselves in the foot by dismissing an employer based on a non-response, especially because the new research suggests that it’s entirely likely you just slipped through the cracks. Blame it on algorithms. Almost 40% of the nearly 400 employers surveyed said they use screening technology to help them wade through the flood of resumes they get, but even though they rely on these tools, they know they’re not perfect: More than 60% admitted they probably overlooked a qualified candidate in the process. “Job seekers need to realize that the recruiting process is becoming more automated and less personal,” says Future Workplace research director Dan Schawbel. “You should never take rejection personally,” he says. “Sometimes the best applicants get filtered out of the candidate pool because of automated recruiting software.” Take the ghosting in stride? Really? Obviously, that’s easier said than done, but if you don’t get over your hurt feelings, it could cost you a job. 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This modal can be closed by pressing the Escape key or activating the close button. “Don’t let an unanswered application deter you from applying to other positions at a later date,” says Amanda Augustine, career advice expert at TopResume. Augustine points out that companies can receive literally hundreds of resumes for a single open position. “Unless you’re among the first to apply to the job and a great fit for the position and have a keyword-optimized resume… there’s a good chance your application will not be considered,” she says. It’s not personal, it’s just a numbers game. If you do apply again at the same company, Augustine advises making sure your focus is narrow enough; if you send off a slew of applications for different jobs at the same company, that could make it look like you’re not really sure what you’re good at, or what you really want to do, she cautions. Experts also say networking and forging a connection with someone at the company is a good strategy. If that’s not possible, don’t take the lack of “no” for an answer, says Fred Goff, CEO of jobs site Jobcase. Read next: 7 Networking Tips for Introverts If your initial submission gets no response, “Follow up with a phone call to confirm the application was received,” he suggests. “Ask if you are being considered for the job and, if so, when you might come in to meet the hiring manager.” The trick, Goff says, is “polite persistence.” Goff also points out that it’s not smart to write off an entire company because of one bad experience with an HR department. Especially at big companies, it’s likely that you’ll be working under an entirely separate team, perhaps not even in the same location. The people and the culture in the department where your dream job is located could be completely different from the automated hiring process that’s giving you the brush-off. “Companies are not black boxes with one talent brand,” Goff says, which can be helpful to remember if you’re feeling slighted.